Wednesday, June 19, 2013


We implemented a new system in our house. The girls are good about helping around the house, and they have certain chores they are expected to do just to be productive members of the family! But, we decided to add some "quarter chores." The girls have a few chores they can do around the house, and once completed they earn a quarter. We're hoping this will also teach them about saving money to buy things they want. Here they are in action doing some of their chores this week.
Taylor is unloading the silverware from the dishwasher.
And taking the laundry out of the dryer and putting it into the basket for me.

Riley is switching the laundry from the washer to the dryer. And this girl has quite the sense of humor. While she was taking out this crib sheet, she asked me if this was one of my "big underwear." HAHA, she's so funny!!!


  1. So Poppy and I should bring some quarters??? What a great idea. Riley has her mommy's sense of humor!

  2. Yes, bring some quarters and you can put them to work too! She is a funny little girl!!
