The first day of summer actually FELT like summer up here! It was great! We started off doing some bubbles, which usually ends up with me blowing the bubbles and the girls and the dogs chasing them and trying to bite the bubbles. Normal, right?
Then, we were getting too hot, so we broke out the sprinkler!
Daughters of Marines always break out into practicing their low belly crawls under the sprinkler when it comes out.
Then, we discovered a pile of dirt, which brought about endless fun!
Especially when we realized that we could then make dirt hand prints all over the garage!
Since it was such a rough day, we had to end it with soaking our feet before bedtime! I don't know where they get this habit from! It could be from their mother with the pregnant Michelin man feet right now!!
Oh, and not on the same day, but we did get a new car! We traded in our Tahoe for the Suburban because "we just couldn't fit" into the Tahoe anymore. My husband says this says more about me, then about the car, but we NEEDED the extra trunk space since we'll be filling up almost all of the seats, especially when Shelby is with us! So, an extra 3 feet of car for Mommy to back up, YIKES!!!