Friday, October 26, 2012

Feeling old!

I'll start by apologizing that there are no pictures of the kiddo's, or anything else for that matter, with this post.....just me ranting a little about my old eyes!
Today was a day spent "down river" as they call it up here! Since we are sooooooo far from EVERYTHING, but especially doctor's, anytime there is an appointment it becomes an all day event....Doctor appointment, lunch, stocking up at the grocery stores for the long haul back!
To clarify, we do have a hospital in town with TWO, yes count them, TWO doctors, and an emergency room. But, for anything out of the ordinary we have to travel.
Today the girls woke up very excited to be headed "down river" to go to
Walmart! Yep, another you might be a redneck moment.....
But, first we had to stop at the eye doctor because I haven't been in two years and my contacts seemed to blurry for some reason lately. And, no it didn't cross my mind that I am getting older and it might not be my contacts that are the problem, but the fact that my eyes got worse! So today I found out that I have an astigmatism in BOTH eyes! One is bad enough that contacts can't quite correct to 20/20 anymore. Ugh...makes me feel old! I did buy more contacts because I refuse to give up on being able to wear them, but that day is surely coming.
Of course, things are never quite uneventful for us. So, we leave the eye doctor and head off to do our shopping. I had my sunglasses on. But, while shopping my wonderful hubby looks at me and asks "what's wrong with your eyes." Apparently, the doctor sent me home with my new trial pair of contacts until my "specialized" lenses come in. And it just so happens that she must have given me tinted contacts, so I now have green eyes, mixed in with my typical brown ones! The sad thing is I'm so far from the doctor that there is no way I'm going back to exchange them, so until my new ones come in I'll have to wear these green ones. And, I also need to remember to contact them on Monday and make sure they didn't order me green contacts!
So, another fun filled, never boring day around here! Maybe I'll let the hubs take a picture of my new green eyes and post it later! Maybe....

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