I haven't written in awhile because we've had all kinds of health issues going on here. And health issues require 2 hour drives back and forth to doctor's when you live up here. And, when your 2 year old has a sprained knee and requires you to carry her everywhere, well it doesn't leave a lot of time for blogging!
Almost 2 weeks ago we went to a friends house to play in their bounce house. Taylor was just jumping around like normal, and then all of a sudden started screaming and crying and grabbing her leg rolling around in the bounce house. We took her to the doctor here, who sent us to a different hospital, an hour away, to get an x-ray. The x-ray was fine, nothing broken, but still 2 weeks later it is hurting and she won't walk on it. If it doesn't improve we will have to go see a pediatric orthopedic surgeon, yep, 2 hours away, but it is improving. Today Daddy got her to actually walk on it while holding onto him. I think she is just afraid it's going to hurt at this point, but she should be up and running all over again soon!
Here she is eating her favorite food....fresh corn! She doesn't even like it cooked. We grow this in our garden and she just takes it straight from the garden and eats it! Yum!!
Remember when I said it was spring. I was wrong. We've had a week of chilly temperatures again, and a few rainy days too. Here we are outside in our new sandbox, on what looks like a nice day, but notice the winter hats and coats. Ugh!
We made, I mean asked, Daddy to get us a big tire to use to turn into a sandbox. He gave in. I had plans to spray paint this and make it look cute, but the girls were too excited to wait. And, when we finally made it to the closest Walmart, 1 1/2 hours away, I realized I had forgot my list, and forgot to get spray paint. Next time we go I'll remember my list and make this sandbox much cuter! Either way though, they love it!
And after digging in sand wasn't enough, they went over to our newly tilled garden to help dig some holes. Notice Taylor in the chair because of her bummed knee. Riley told me all the holes she dug and what went into them. She dug a hole for chocolate for our garden. Love that kid!!!

And since we're only expecting a new baby in a few short weeks, we decided to go ahead and do a bunch of home improvement projects! It all started because we need to paint the baby's room. But, we also need new carpet, which is coming in June, so hubby needs to paint before the new carpet gets here! Yes, hubby is painting this time! In addition to that he decided to "just go ahead and paint the kitchen" too. I may have been complaining that I wanted to paint it recently. Not complaining, just mentioning! In addition to that, when we first moved in our house was FULL of wallpaper. We have one section that had so much wallpaper on top of wallpaper that we can't even get it down to the actual wall. So, we decided to buy pine wood for the walls, stain it and hubby will be doing this little house project as well! He took some time off of work to get it all done, and he obviously has a July deadline to complete all projects before baby arrives! I think he can do it! I will supervise and make sure!
Here is Riley helping out with staining the wood. She'll be an excellent helper when it's time to start these projects!